Press release 150th anniversary of the Circassian Genocide

Today is the 150th anniversary of the Circassian Genocide. Now we should have been talking about empathy, solidarity and resolution.

Whereas, so much sufferings’ve been undergone even in the first 5 months;

Circassian activists were taken into custody; Winter Olmpics were held in Sochi; Syrian Circassians were abondoned to their fate;

Ashine Timur (Timur Ashinov) was murdered by racists in Krasnodar; Crimea was incorporated into Russian Federation by violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Until now, Circassian People cried for the irrecoverable losses they had; but today they’re determined to save the existing.

As a first step of walking towards future, we are making this call for establishing a new global solidarity organization of Circassian Diaspora.

The Sochi fiasco and tragedy of Syrian Circassians made us realize the “Wall of Shame” between Homeland and us.

Now we know that Circassian diaspora, for a while, will take care of themselves. But will keep on observing the Homeland and carry on the healthiest dialogue as possible.

In this period of Ukraine crisis, the space for legal politics in Circassia is getting narrower every day. Now it’s Diaspora’s duty to announce problems of Circassia to the world.

In the second 150 years, a bond based on tutelage between Circassia and Cirassian Diaspora will not be determinant;  proper relation of the equals will be established.

This is the only way to throw away the community engineering applied on Circassian people and to let Circassian national will to flow in its’ natural conduit!

In our hearts there’s no place for hostility againist any people, any country, any language, any culture or any religion. In their struggle, Circassian people will never compensate from peace and democracy, pluralism and transparency!

Circassian people will never forget that,

they are always with the People that want more freedom and prosperity;

that Russian Peoples are aggrieved by the burocratic class which make federalism meaningless;

that they are at the same side with peoples that are victims of internal oppression and external violation;

and that they are friends with Russian People that can not breath easy under oppression of “federal” center.

Then let’s shout out together;

Long live the Circassia of “Values and Compatriots”!
Long live a world ruled by peace, stability and prosperity!

Long live the Unity of Circassians!
Long live Circassia!

May 24, 2014