Over five years, the "Caucasian Knot" fixed 5816 victims of armed conflict in Northern Caucasus

Over the past five years – from 2010 to early 2015 – the number of victims of the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus has declined considerably: from 1705 persons in 2010 down to 525 – in 2014. The sustainable downward trend in the count of killed and wounded in the regions of the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) is illustrated in the infographics drafted by the "Caucasian Knot" based on its own data and information from other open sources.
The reduction in the number of victims has been caused both by less casualties and less wounded persons. Over the five years, the number of wounded persons in the NCFD was steadily declining year after year: from 956 in 2010 down to 184 – in 2014. In 2014 as compared to 2010, the death toll went down by almost half – from 749 down to 341. However, essential changes in the count of casualties were recorded only in the last two years.
In 2010-2012, the number of civilian victims went down, but in 2013 it increased again; and essentially went down in 2014.
Thus, in 2010, the count of civilian victims in Northern Caucasus made 664 persons (this figure is given without the victims of the terror acts of March 29, 2010. in Moscow, directly related to the situation in Northern Caucasus and fixed in the statistics for 2010). In 2011, the number of victims went down to 339, and in 2012 – to 212; in 2013, there were 249 civilian victims of the conflict; and, finally, in 2014, this figure dropped significantly – down to 55 persons.
The above statistics does not reflect the number of victims with absolute accuracy. Not all the data gets into news reports; and it is not always possible to check the statements of law enforcement bodies.
Throughout the above observation period (2010-2014), the number of victims among power agents went down: from 692 lost and wounded persons in 2010, 652 – in 2011, 595 – in 2012, 424 – in 2013, and 221 – in 2014. The death toll of power agents was 225 in 2010; in 2011, it dropped to 190 people; in 2012, it went up to 209; and in 2013 it dropped again down to 127 lost persons. The year 2014 saw the lowest death toll in five years – 55 power
The losses of militants during these five years decreased from 349 killed persons in 2010 down to 249 in 2014. However, no stable tendency was observed: in 2011, the militants' death toll was 384 persons; in 2012 – 404; and in 2013 – 298.
It is seen from the infographics that throughout the past five years Dagestan was in the lead by the number of victims of the armed conflict. During this period, the total count of victims made 3138 persons, which makes about 54% of the total victims fixed in the seven regions of the NCFD. According to official data, the resident population of Dagestan was 2.946 million; thus, this region is the most populated in the NCFD.