In KBR, local resident sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment on charge of involvement in IAF

Eduard Khodorkovsky, a resident of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), is sentenced on charge of involvement in an illegal armed formation (IAF). The Supreme Court of Russia has upheld his sentence announced in the KBR.
The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on July 1, 2014, the case against Eduard Khodorkovsky was sent to the Supreme Court of the KBR for consideration on the merits. It was reported that Eduard Khodorkovsky, a resident of the town of Nartkala, was detained in June 2013 during a special operation held in the wooden area near the village of Zaragizh in the Cherek District of the KBR.
The fact that Eduard Khodorkovsky, born in 1993, was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment was reported by the press service of the Russia FSB Department for the KBR. According to investigators, the young man was an active member of the underground, structurally included in the prohibited international terrorist organization "Imarat Kavkaz".
The press service of the Russia FSB Department for Kabardino-Balkaria has noted that when detained, Eduard Khodorkovsky rendered armed resistance. On September 19, 2014, the sentence was announced by the Supreme Court of the KBR, the Court's website reports.